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What is the purpose of telling time? It helps up plan and shape our lives. Several methods of timekeeping have helped us oversee development from the first brick kilns to AI and quantum computing.

Our need to position ourself more granularly in time, and comprehend larger intervals of time is always growing. That is to say, to keep up with the pace of our technology, to make plans across longer timelines, and to understand our history - which is created at an ever increasing rate, we need a better method of timekeeping.

My method is based on the “tala” idea of time. That is, time is measured in intervals from now.

The present can be described as the infinitesimally small moment, or a plank-instant, or some similar concept. I propose that the present be described by a constant (p). I further propose p-e (elapsed time) to date the past, p to represent net present, and p+u (unelapsed time) to describe the future.

By using base 10 over base 60, adding and subtracting dates becomes easy.

1 Day, 10 Days (1 sit), 100 Days (1 task), 1000 Days (1 lap), 10000 Days (1 leg), 100000 Days (1 phase), 1000000 Days (1 Age),

Use the code below to tell your age. I am 9681 days old i.e I am on my 1st Leg, 9th lap, 6th trial, 8th sit, and 1st day. In less than a year, I will complete my first leg.

# Extract the current UTC timestamp
now =
timestamp = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")

print(f"{timestamp} - Value: {value}")

# Format current time as hhmmss for the fourth column
current_time_hhmmss = now.strftime("%H%M%S")

# Convert the value to a string to extract portions of the number   
value_str = str(value)

# The number of digits we want for each portion
hundred_thousandth_place = 6
ten_billionth_place = 11

# Calculate the breakpoints for each portion
breakpoint1 = max(0, len(value_str) - hundred_thousandth_place) 
breakpoint2 = max(0, len(value_str) - ten_billionth_place)

# Extract portions of the full date
portion1 = value_str[breakpoint2:breakpoint1].rjust(hundred_thousandth_place, ' ')
portion2 = value_str[breakpoint1:].rjust(ten_billionth_place - hundred_thousandth_place, ' ')
portion3 = value_str[:breakpoint2].rjust(len(value_str) - ten_billionth_place, ' ')

# Print the portions in columns along with the current time in hhmmss
print(f"{portion3} | {portion1} | {portion2} | {current_time_hhmmss} | v")

Calculate the time since 0 AD
now =
time_since_0AD = now - datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

Calculate the extra large number e
e = 4320000000000 * 360

Calculate the final value to be printed by adding time_since_0AD.days and e
final_value = time_since_0AD.days + e

Call the function with the final value

Keep the program running to update the timestamp every second
while True:

The following are cases where the understanding and use of time-keeping is necessary:

In an example, we can assume an astronaut who makes frequent sub-light speed trips. Their increased velocity would imply that time would move slower to them relatively compared to the rest of us. In a very real way, at high enough speeds. Even biological aging slows down as seen in the movie Interstellar (2013). Keeping time that is personalized to one’s own self is a crucial aspect of interplanetary life in general. In most popular culture, keeping logs is one such method of personalizing and keeping time.

In another case, a person of the future studying history would see dates as v-days. Records can be kept with more granularity, as will be the need in as little as 20 years. Production rates will continue to boom, and our ability to rationalize them as humans will have the improve or evolve naturally. I support proactivity on this matter and propose that time be seen in shorter intervals so as to keep pace with the increasing rates of production, utilization, and consumption, be it to use, entertain, or study to better place ourselves in a world of increasingly intelligent automatons.

This method of measuring time will be the norm for all historical studies. By dating events back from the present, we achieve consensus for all the nations of the world. History is no longer written by the winner, or rather, a winner who falsified history will easily be spotted as a fraud.

2023-12-26 18:23:35 UTC - Value: 1555200000738878

15552 |  00000 | 738878 | 182335 | p

Byran Krisan

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